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About Contacts and Prospects

The MLS software includes a contact manager that enables you to save and organize information about your contacts and prospects, such as phone numbers, e-mail addresses, notes, and more.

Contact vs. Prospect - What is the difference?

Contacts and prospects are managed in the same area of the software. Simply enable the Manage as Prospect field in the Contact Information form to activate prospect features for a contact.

Organize your contacts with Groups

You can organize your contacts into groups. Default groups are set up for you, and you can create new groups to personalize your contact organization (from the Contacts menu, select Manage Groups).

Since you can assign each contact to as many groups as you like, using groups makes working with your contact records more efficient. For example, you can:


Auto-Prospecting searches automatically for newly added or changed listings that match your prospect's search criteria. These listings are placed into the prospect's cart, and can optionally be sent to you or your prospect via e-mail notification.

Viewing Contacts and Prospects

The main Contacts/Prospects page (accessed by choosing Contacts/Prospects from the Contacts menu) displays both contacts and prospects. Notice that in the diagram below the first contact is not a prospect since the Prospect Cart columns are blank.

The second contact, Phillip Jones, is a prospect. The "Prospect Cart" column shows you how many listings are in the prospect's cart (in this case, 18 listings are Newly Matched, 4 are Agent Recommended, 7 are Saved, and 2 are Rejected). You can access the cart by clicking one of the numbers.

You can click the icon next to a prospect's name to display an additional row of information and options for that prospect:

TIP: View the video tutorials under the "Contacts & Prospects" section on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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